What’s this all about?
We’re glad you asked!
At Goodwill, we appreciate your donations. We know many of you are moms who are clearing out the clutter at home and donating it to us. Your donations help Goodwill fulfill its mission so others in our community can learn how to get and keep jobs.
How does it work? It’s simple, really. For just $5 you can sign-up at any Goodwill Industries of Michiana Retail Store. You’ll receive a re-useable Donation Bag and a Reward Card.
As you sort through things at home, fill your Donation Bag. Then, take it to any Goodwill Industries of Michiana Drive-thru Donation Center. Each time you fill the bag and donate, we’ll validate your Reward Card with a stamp.
When your card is full, mail us the card and we’ll send you a $25.00 Goodwill Shopping Certificate that you can use in any of our stores. It’s just that easy!
More details about the program can be found HERE.