Twas the week before the LBD Show,
Excitement was building with those ‘in the know‘.
The fitting area a buzz with models in clothes,
“This will be great on the runway,” as anticipation continually rose.
The committee was working, intent on the details,
Me thinks it’s time to find the Black Tie and Tails!
Me with my laptop, others with an IPad,
Our brains on overload with stripes, polka dots and plaid.
When out in the plant there rose such a clatter,
“A model with no handbag”, that’s what was the matter!
Away from the racks I flew like a bird
“A runway look, no purse?” well, that is absurd!
Florescent lights fell on a barrel of totes,And what is that over there? A rack of new coats?
When what to my wandering eyes should appear,
But Radiant Orchid clutch! Away goes my fear!
“Now Mara, and Maxin, Mandy and Fran,
let’s put this show together! Time to finalize the plan!”
Scampering, running and steaming the clothes,
Models perfecting their runway pose.
Designer looks, styled to perfection,
The shoppers will have a super selection!
Sequins, satin and even a little lace,“Attention to details girls, let’s pick up the pace!”
Then in a moment, I heard the rev on a motor,
The Goodwill truck was waiting, the event is getting closer.
I fretted over the finishing touch,
I believe this will be the best show yet, I believe it very much!
I packed up my car, with shoes, pants and racks,
The show will be amazing, sharing some Goodwill facts.
Tickets are going fast, call now to reserve your spot,
The best fashion show in town, miss it you should not!
Yes, seating is now limited, only a few chairs to go,
Get your ticket now if you want to see the show!
The luncheon will be grand, shopping the highlight,
See you on Thursday, get your ticket on the website.