I have an 11 year old daughter who has strong opinions about her wardrobe (don’t all 11 year old girls?). Her opinion and mine are vastly different when it comes to school clothes. This back-to-school season I decided I was done arguing about her clothes every morning. She and I went to Starbucks and had a “fashion meeting”.
Truth is I want her to show her individuality in her wardrobe. I’m glad she isn’t uber obsessed with fashion (I couldn’t afford it!). At our “fashion meeting” I explained to her that I am concerned about things fitting properly, being age appropriate and not unisex (I insist she wear ‘girls’ clothing, not sports wear that are for gals and guys…at least to school). She agreed and we developed our school-clothes rules.
They are:
- Things must fit (not too small and not too big)
- Be cool, trendy (whatever that definition is in her 11 year old world)
- Not look like she is wearing her old-mom’s clothes. Her clothing must be age appropriate.
- Must not be uni-sex. Must be clothing for girls.
Based on our new agreement (or fashion rules), I then decided that we should choose a style for her. She got to tell me what her personality was through her clothes. She showed me things online she liked, and we went to the mall and she pointed out things in stores she thought was cool.
Some of today’s trends in kids clothes make me take pause when I consider what our kids clothes are saying about their personality. But, we as responsible parents, need to know what is fashionable (or what “all the kids are wearing”) so when we have these conversations with our teens and pre-teens about wardrobe choices, we are doing so from an educated viewpoint.And of course, to show our kids that we are still cool (*wink*).
Here are 2 big trends in kids clothing this fall. Or in other words – the stuff your kids are going to be begging for…if they haven’t already!
This can be a tricky one because pieces that kids like are EXPENSIVE! Try this: get a great hoodie, denim jacket, or puffy vest from your local Goodwill store. Then put on your “crafty” hat and DIY! This tutorial shows you how to get in on this trend in just 5 easy steps.
MOTIFSCamo and skulls are still big in kids fashion. Camo has been around a while, look for it this season in bright trendy colors. For some of us, the camo thing can be a little much for little ones. Consider a DIY Camo sweatshirt!
I would love to hear how you’ve calmed the ‘school clothes’ battle in your home! Any suggestions for the rest of us?