In last month’s blog entry, I shared three surprising things you might not know about your Goodwill donations. I really wanted to shed some light on what possibilities your donations hold for Goodwill and how much of an impact even one bag of donations means for the company.
Of course, I am also a frugal girl at my very core and while donating is very important to me, saving money when I shop is just as important. You would be correct in thinking that Goodwill is a fabulously frugal place to shop, but what you might not realize is that there are big ways to save, that can maximize your shopping dollars further. Even in places like Goodwill, I would rarely shop without a coupon because I want to get the absolute best bang for my buck.
Here are a few easy ways to save on your next Goodwill trip. After all, who wouldn’t want to get a little more in their shopping cart for a little less?
Take Advantage of Store Sale Days– Goodwill offers lots of great savings to their customers with discount shopping days for senior citizens and the general public. Discount days can be anything from a set price for a bag of items to a designated fifty percent off day in the store. Before you plan your next shopping trip, visit the Sales Calendar on the Goodwill website to discover which days to hit your local store and save big.
Sales days are the busiest days at Goodwill so I have learned over the years that it is good to still have a shopping strategy in place. I begin by jotting down a list of things that I am specifically looking for when I shop. Next, I arrive as soon as the store opens so that the selection is at its premium and to avoid the crowds that may develop later. Third, I take a reuseable shopping bag with me when I go. With sales days being the busiest days at the store, shopping carts can be at a premium. Bringing my own shopping bag not only saves me from taking home one more plastic bag, but it also helps me carry what I need up to the register without having to maneuver around the people with my cart, or holding all of the items in my hands. Keep one of these tucked in your car and you will be very glad you did for these occasions!
Additional event promotions are featured on Goodwill’s Homepage and feature Goodwill’s own fashion blogger, Kathy Friend, who assists the Goodwill store with fashion events for the entire family. When you make donations on the days that Kathy arrives, you can receive her services and consultation at a discounted price, just for cleaning out your closet!
Join Michiana Goodwill Boosters– Michiana Goodwill Boosters is truly a Michiana hidden treasure that you will be happy to discover if you are a regular Goodwill shopper. For a mere $5, you are entitled to coupons for $5 off of a $10 purchase for every single month of the year. Basically, after you pay your $5, you will recoup your investment with just one coupon of the twelve you receive for your shopping throughout the year at Goodwill. Not only do you save $5 each month, but Michiana Goodwill Boosters also enjoy special discount shopping days. Instead of battling the crowds on 50% off days, you would be entitled to exclusive sale days just for members.
To join Michiana Goodwill Boosters, simply inquire at the checkout counter to register your membership. It is a $5 investment worth making to save your family money all year long.
Make a Donation- One of the easiest ways to score savings at the store is to stop by and make a donation. An employee will happily hand you a tax receipt when you drop your items off at the Goodwill Drive-Thru Donation Center. The bonus, that makes the trip and decluttering your life entirely worth it, is that our Michiana Goodwill Stores attach a coupon to your tax deduction form that will save you a percentage on your next shopping trip.
Many times when I make a donation, I park the car and head right on in with my coupon to take advantage of my savings. Anything that gets me organized and helps me save on my shopping is a very good thing, in my book!
Check the White Board- Each day shopping at Goodwill is like a brand new adventure. Not only is the merchandise fresh daily, but the savings are fresh daily too. I always check the white board at the front of the store that will tell me the specials that day. Specials can be anything from pink tagged items, to toys, to books, to housewares. When you see the sales happening that day at the store, try to focus your shopping efforts on the deals highlighted, and you will come away with a lot of great stuff for very little money.
There is no excuse to not save money at Goodwill! For more great shopping tips visit the website for additional ideas on how to save and navigate the store.
Photo credits- Please click on the photos to access the photographer’s Flickr pages.
What are your favorite ways to save at Goodwill? Any tips for new shoppers from our regulars?
Thanks for the tips. My area just got a Goodwill and I had no idea there were 50% off days!